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"The Truth is, there is man and there is environment. One does not supercede the other. The breath in man is the breath of Papa. Man is merely the caretaker of the land that maintains his life and nourishes his soul. 

“Therefore, the 'aina is sacred, the church of life is not in a building, it is the open sky, the surrounding ocean, the beautiful soil. By George Helm, January 1977.



The Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa'au 'O Hawai'i, or medical high priest used la'au herbs in hundreds of traditional prescriptions. A distinct la'au lapa'au garden next to a healing temple was designated for cultivating the la'au herbs. 

Practically every part of the Honua (earth) is a La'au, fresh water, sea water, trees, roots, shrub, plants on the land in the land, on the ocean and in the ocean, the rain water, mist of the sky is used for healing and many sea product was used in creating la'au lapa'au medicines. Presently, only a few Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa'au priests remain. Many of these same la'au herbs and kahuna lapa'au therapies are used by the Kahuna today. The ancient Kahuna Lapa'au and therapies have quite effective results. 

Herbal Medicine Remedies

The following examples are La'au Lapa’au remedies for common ailments. Individuals should seek the Kahuna Lapa'au before beginning any La'au Lapa'au Program.

This Lapa'au Wisdom is an oral knowledge of the La'au Lapa'au which till today is remains very sacred. This was handed down to the Kahuna Lapa'au by the Ohana and Aumakua of Hawai'i. Pule (prayer) was the channel, and communication and connection to their Aumakua. 

High Blood Pressure - Gathered was the red very ripe mamake leaves. Drink the tea 3 x daily, change diet and eating habits. Patient will continue for five days, repeat until cured. 

Constipation - Ho'omaemae (Cleanse). A remedy provided by drinking special formula's of water and la'au. Various quantities of special  formulas of Wai'kai was used with special care. The Kahuna prepared combinations of roots and mamake teas, which provides a mild laxative for purifications of the na'au and body.  Hi'uwai (Purification) - Patients followed this cleanse by bathing in the Ocean Ponds.

Anemia - For anemia caused by a wound or internal bleeding the 'alaea was used. The amounts varied, the Pule (prayer) determines the amounts for the individual to use with water. A pinch of ‘alaea added to the patients water, kalo he ate, mixing with poi, Uala (sweet potato), yams and Ulu (breadfruit).

Pain Astringent - The flowers of the Awa and leaves pounded are used. The leaves are heated lightly and applied to the affected area to decrease pain, or strained muscles. 

Thrush or Bad Breath - The watery sap from a green kukui nut is rubbed over the tongue to cure bad breath or a coated tongue. The nut should be picked in the morning before the sun hits the tree. Bad Breath, Cleansing the Naau (stomach) internally was important, along with the sap of the kukui may be mixed with the ash from a dried coconut that had been charred. 

Stiffness & Muscle Pain - Hi'uwai Cleanse in the warm pond of Puna, an excellent release of pain. Drink Awa teas to relax muscle stiffness. For pain in muscles and stiffness in joints bind one large Ti leaf to the joint or muscle area overnight. Repeat 5 days or as needed. 

Fever - Ti Leaf is widely used, and very important during a high fever.  Place the Ti leaf in water, and then place on the body, or effective areas to reduce the fever. Cover the body with a light sheet, so patient doesn't chill. 

Headaches - 'Awa root which has been cut into small pieces, pounded for tea and given to the patient every hour for five successive days will cure sharp and intensive headaches. 

Insect Stings - Remove the sting. Apply a soft earth, a mud, immediately. Use the stem of any taro, or taro leaf and rub it over the affected area. 

Sedatives - Awa, pounded and grated with the kalo lauloa; mix with grated coconut; add sugarcane. Mix and pound thoroughly. Add water, strain and drink.

Earache - A small root 'olena which has been pounded and warmed into a fine cloth with warm kukui nui oil. Let one small drop be placed into the ear. Wait a few moments, then turn patient to the side where the infection will drain out of the ear.


- © 2001 Ka Leo 'O Na Kahuna Lapa'au & LokahiOla.org - KaLehua2000@webtv.net - design by madeinhawaii@mac.com - images © Copyright 1998 Coconut Info. -