'O LomiLomi Lapa¹au Clinic 'O Hawai¹i
Presents: "E Nana I Ke Kumu" ( To Look to the Source
E Komo Mai, Come Journey with us to Being in the Moment Right now.
E Nana I Ke Kumu IV. E
OLA AU "Grant me Life" Peace Be Papa 'O Mother
Earth, Peace Be Wakea 'O Father Sky. Journey with the Kahuna, E Pili
Ke Aloha shall touch you as you decend into the Legacy of our Ha'wai'i,
into the deepest Heart & Soul of the Hawai'i, E Na 'Oiwi 'O Hawai'i
'O Waipio Valley. Aloha E Pili Mau Kakou, we shall begin this journey
Nana I Ke Kumu" - Nana (looking) upon the Hawaii's sacred mountain
Maunakea 'O Hawai'i, Pu'u Honua 'O Moku'Ola, Liliuokalani Gardens
Waipio Hawai'i a me Waipio Valley Falls & Ocean Kaha Kai 'O Hawai'i
Costs: To be Announced....Call
Kumu or email.
Address: http://community-2.webtv.net/LokahiLapaauHi/ENANAIKEKUMU/
E Ho¹okipa Mai
Kakou. Welcome to the Big Island of Hawai¹i.
Limited Enrollments.
Ke Aloha Mauli Ola Mau Kakou a pau loa.
Welcome, we have created a Special Comprehensive Healing, Health &
Wellness Program. A Native Hawaiian (Ku A Lima ŒOla) Five Day
Native Hawaiian and Healing Workshop. A Healing and Empowering Experience
of a Life Time.
Daily Sessions: 9:00am-5:00pm.
Wednesday. - Saturday. On Sunday
9:00am-3:00pm. Special Buffet Pa'aina Luncheon 1200am-2:00pm..
Participants please provide:
Own Housing, Meals & Ground Transportation.
Native Hawaiian Traditional Healing, Intuitive Healing, Health, Cleansing
& Self Empowerment of the Mind, Body, Emotion and Spiritual Healing
& Wellness Workshop.
Awakening the Dynamic Powers
of Healing, Unconditional Love and Light Of
Lokahi Deep Within.
(I Am A Child of Divine Mana Creator)
You'll be learning and
or experiencing powerful tools to healing and empowerment of Self:
* Preventive Medicine & Advanced Energy Healing Touch
* Hawaiian Cleansing Process Detox, !
* Re-Building the Immune System
* Ho'oponopono - Resolving Conflict and Transformation, !
* Hawaiian La'au Herbal Wellness
* Hawaiian LomiLomi Healing & Health
* Clearing our Path and Healing ourselves.
* Hawaiian Sacred Wisdom !
* Aura Reading & Cleansing Aka Cords of negative attachments,
* Complete Mind Body Alignment
* Accelerated Soul Retrieval
* Identifying the Underlying emotional causes of dis'ease,
* Develop & Enhance Spiritual & Medical Intuition
* Phenomenal Ho'omanamai'ola Hands On Healing Methods
* Enhancing mind power to heal !
* Medicinal native healing foods to health, la'au herbal remedies
* Essential oils to life healing, health & well-being
* Intuitive Insights to your dreams & visions and insights into
* Meditation/Qigong/Reflections.
* Health and Disease Prevention in Todays World.
* Sacred Sites: Thursday Akaka Fall & Waipio Point. Own Car.
* Sacred Sites Friday Volcano - Black Sands Beach. Own Car.
* Sacred Sites Saturday Kalapana - Healing By the Warm Ponds of
Kalapana. Own Car.
* Sunday Queen Court Luncheon Buffet Pa'aina
An Unparallel Healing Experience of a Life Time, an opportunity to
experience dynamic indescribable Healing Powers. You'll Amaze Yourself,
your friends and loved ones!
Native Hawaiian Kahuna, Kupuna Healers and Healers in E Lokahi Ola
A Ancient Age of Healing
in a New, Unique, Powerful Innovative Approach
to Healing & Health. Hands On experience and techniques for:
Absent healing into: Reflections
of the Self, Deep Soul Searching,
Transformation and Self Empowerment, Ho'omanamai'ola spiritual healing
the broken soul of the broken spirit and heart, clearing the aka cords
of negative spiritual crises, chronic stomach disorders, constipation,
the tools to detoxing entire body, mind, and spirit, methods of clearing
digestion daily opala, ho'oponopono release of dis'ease, Mai'ola
spiritual healing, how to re-building the immune system.
Hawaiian lomilomi healing
and health, healing menopause, migraines,
aches and chronic pain, back/neck aches, pain relief, prostate,
scollosis, TMJ disorders, the famous CCMBA complete mind, body
alignment, CCSMC complete soul retrieval, re-claim your own Mana power
and enhance your own healing powers.
( Private Sessions )
One Individual Session
per person. Native Hawaiian Healers.
Private Individual Sessions:
Kahuna Nui 'O Pari Tu Keahiolaikaikaotalani
T. Dombrigues Ho'omanamai'ola Spiritual Wellness & Healing, Mo'oLono
Kumu'ola Leina'ala K. Brown-Dombrigues Ho'ola LomiLomi Lapa'au Healing
Advance Wellness Therapy, Aunty Abbie Nape'ahi Ho'oponopono &
Aunty Mary Fragas & Papa K. Hawaiian healing & health. Sacred
Sites with
Uncle Robert Keliio'omalu (Being In the Lives of Kalapana), other
special guest speakers.
One Individual Session
per person. (PRN) Health & Healing. Individual
Private Sessions with
Dr. Yvonne Conner, Health & Healing
Helene Buntman, Intuitive Spiritual Counseling
Elizabeth Solstad - Essential Oils for Life.
Awaken the Dynamic Healing Powers Deep Within. A Full Comprehensive
Healing, Health Sacred Wellness Experience of a Life Time.
E Komo Mai, E Ola Mau Kakou "Come Let the Healing Begin with
(Limited Space).
Full Commitment for Full
Five Days Workshop.
Ho'ola 'O LomiLomi Lapa'au
Clinic 'O Hawai¹i LAPA¹AU CLINIC:
(808) 961-3118 or 899-1123
Reservations are Required with a Deposit.
Call or Email Us Your Reservation
Today. LokahiLapaauHi@webtv.net
Visit Our Website: www.LokahiOla.org or www.KahunaHaleOLono.org
Ka Leo 'O Na Kahuna Lapa'au
'O Hawai'i
Hale 'O Lono
Phone: (808) 961-3118
Visit Us: www.LokahiOla.org